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Search Results for: cytoplasmic matrix

Cell matrix

Definition noun plural: cell matrices cell ma·trix, ˈmeɪtɹɪks An insoluble, dynamic gel in the cytoplasm, believed... Read More

Cytoplasmic matrix

Definition noun singular: cytoplasmic matrices cy·to·plas·mic ma·trix (1) Synonym for cell matrix, an insoluble,... Read More

Cell adhesion

Cell Adhesion Definition Cell adhesion is the process in which a cell uses a specialized complex of proteins to get... Read More


Osteocyte Definition The osteocyte is a mature bone cell. Other bone cell types are osteoprogenitor cells, osteoblasts, and... Read More


A biological cell is composed of many components called organelles. These organelles serve their specific purposes to make... Read More


Microtubule Definition noun plural: microtubules mi·cro·tu·bule, mī'krō-tū'byūlA cytoplasmic tubule made up of... Read More


Definition noun plural: cytosols cy·to·sol, ˈsaɪtəˌsɒl (cell biology) The liquid component of the cytoplasm... Read More


In cell biology, the nucleus is the large, membrane-bounded organelle that contains the genetic material in the form of... Read More

Osseous tissue

What Is Bone Or Osseous Tissue? Osseous tissue is the structure providing, hard and mineralized connective tissues. Osseous... Read More


A pseudopodium (plural: pseudopodia) refers to the temporary projection of the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell. Pseudopodia... Read More

Cell Structure

The interior of human cells is divided into the nucleus and the cytoplasm. The nucleus is a spherical or oval-shaped... Read More

Intermediate filament

Definition noun plural: intermediate filaments A type of cytoskeleton characterized by having a diameter ranging from 8... Read More

Intermediate filaments

Definition noun plural: intermediate filaments A type of cytoskeleton characterized by having a diameter ranging from 8... Read More

Tight junction

What are tight junctions? Tight junctions are the intercellular barrier between two neighboring endothelial and epithelial... Read More


Centrosome Definition What is a centrosome? The centrosome is considered to be the main microtubule-organizing... Read More

Mitochondrial DNA

Mitochondrial DNA Definition noun plural: mitochondrial DNAs The genetic material in the mitochondrion that carries code... Read More

Cell membrane

Cell Membrane Definition Just like any non-living body possesses a plastic or paper packaging material that keeps the... Read More

Fluid mosaic model

Fluid Mosaic Model Definition What is the fluid mosaic model? The fluid mosaic model is a three-dimensional representation... Read More

Plant Cells vs. Animal Cells

Plant Cells Most cells are not visible with the naked eye. However, with microscopes of various types, plant cells can be... Read More


Protoplasm Definition The protoplasm is regarded as "the living material or the living content of a cell". It is fluid... Read More


Zygote Definition What is a zygote? A zygote is a fertilized eukaryotic cell. In biology, medical science, and other allied... Read More


Definition noun, plural: desmosomes A type of cell junction made up of desmosome-intermediate filament complexes, which in... Read More

Chloroplast DNA

Definition noun plural: chloroplast DNAs DNA in the chloroplast that carries the code for proteins and RNAs essential to... Read More